Saturday 3 August 2013


Georgie was on the heavy Pred dose for 4 days and as of Thursday evening she has been back on a 5 mg tab in the morning and a 5 mg tab in the evening. She is so lethargic from the high doses of Pred but she still manages to jump up and down with excitement when I come home or I mention the word sweetie. She is still wagging her tail and that at least puts a smile on my face.

Poor little baby is still totally blind but she does manage very well considering.

It's Cytosar weekend again so we can only hope that it will assist in getting the relapse under control.


  1. We just got our diagnosis of GME from the neuro. So disheartening. Thanks for blogging about this. I'll be checking in.

  2. we just got diagnosis for GME too for my yorkie Gizmo. if you could e-mail me please i have been researching all day and have some questions. thank you.

  3. How's Georgie now? Heartbreaking story! Have a miniature Yorkie called Cheeky with same problem! On prednisone and cyclosporine-Sandimmune Neoral and special diet called "prescription diet" helps him digest better. Lucie Czech Republic

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  6. Found your blog, sad to see you stopped updating it. My dog (doxie) was diagnosed with GME about a month ago and it was really uplifting to see that someone was really invested in their dogs recovery. On Wednesday they sent us home with cytosar injections we had to self administer! Scariest thing ever. He's also on Prednisone and Azathioprine, and so far besides a lot of constant peeing from the Prednisone we're noticing a huge recovery. Just hoping he doesn't relapse anytime soon. :( Your blog gave me a lot of hope though, so thank you so much for that and I hope little Georgie is still alive, well, and fighting! Pets are family and it's a hard thing to go through.

  7. Hey, I was wondering how Georgie's been doing. My yorkie was diagnosed with meningitis last month and your blog helped me a lot. You even inspired me to create a blog of my own. Hope to hear from you!

  8. Hi, I see you stopped documenting about your dog and her condition. My Douglas started having seizures and was diagnosed with GME when he was just three months old. I have been doing prednisone, keppra and phenobarbital. We were doing the chemo treatments every three weeks. He is now a year and 6 months old. He seems to be having little twitches here and there and is losing more vision. Does anyone know how this disease progresses? I was hoping to get more information from dog owners who are also experiencing this disease. Thanks

  9. Hi! My boxer has suffered with this awful illness for three years and was totally off the pred now for 2 years. He's 6 now and he relapsed tonight. We rushed him to the local veterinary college where he have his cytarabine treatment (8 weekly still after all this time) they admitted him straight away and will be pumping the pred back in tomorrow morning and another spinal tap on the way too. Such a shame there's no cute for this terrible illness and fingers crossed he's going to come home well.

  10. Hi there.. How is George doing now?

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